VIII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-17) in honor of Evgeny Kuznetsov's 70th birthday
May, 21-25, 2017
Chernogolovka, Russia
Kocharovsky Vladimir
Affiliations: Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS)
Зав. отделом астрофизики и физики космической плазмы, чл.-корр. РАН

Participating in conferences:
11:50 04-Aug-2014 VII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-14) in honor of Vladimir Zakharov's 75th birthday (presenter) Superradiant Lasing: Quasi-regular and Quasi-chaotic Regimes
VIII-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives" (SCT-17) in honor of Evgeny Kuznetsov's 70th birthday (presenter) Dynamical field patterns of superradiant lasing and empirical modes with a variable spatial-temporal structure

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